Monday, May 27, 2013

Tri-terra cardigan

Tri-terra cardigan

Tri-terra cardigan front detail

Future's so bright

I finished this little sweater for Mo at the end of March, just in time for her to wear to an Easter egg hunt at the community center. I used the Tri-Terra Cardigan pattern by Cosette Cornelius-Bates and improvised a little fake fair-isle colorwork into the yoke. Mom asked when I will start making them in adult sizes. Maybe next winter. My knitting has fallen by the wayside--as it usually does once the weather warms up--and painting has taken its place. Incidentally I had a little free time this weekend and updated my art blog. Have a look-see. By the time I finally know what I'm doing with HTML it will be completely obsolete.


Rebecca said...

i love everything about this post! the sweater, the fact that you are knitting and painting, and the wonderful pic of your Mom and Mo! :)

Barb Mowery said...

Thanks, Becca!