1. Today I found out a friend is divorcing, divorced, and it made me cry for his sake, for her sake, and for their children.
2. These images are from around the web. Abstract expressionist painter Elaine de Kooning made a series of Bacchus paintings in the late 1970s and early 1980s. When I say "series" I mean more than 100 paintings. I am finding them very inspiring lately, especially the one in the top left corner. Elaine's inspiration for the paintings was Jules Dalou's sculpture "The Triumph of Silenus" created in 1885 and located in Paris. I don't care much for the statue with its leering nudist Santa.
3. Home ownership is throwing up some speed bumps for us lately: ants, plumbing, lawn mower, air conditioning. I am hauling 5 gallon buckets from the back yard to the front to keep the new shrubs watered in.
4. The 17 year cicadas should not be here since we saw them last in 2004. But here they are. Sukey was happily gobbling them up this morning, tail wagging and nose to the ground. Nature's buffet. One made me drop my camera in the driveway this morning.
5. Mo's still napping, so I'm going to go paint now.
hopefully the ants are just a seasonal passing. we figured out in the old house that they would visit once a year, so we'd spray and that was that. we've got a gutter project and have had to replace our washer and dryer (the ones we brought with us) because they didn't fit properly in the laundry room, eh, that was annoying.
are you still posting your paintings on your art blog?
yeah, I feel you on the house issues. We had a number of similar issues pop up after we moved in.... Here's to hoping for quick resolutions and not too many more surprises!
Mostly small annoying stuff with the house that Robb can fix given enough time. Except we are going to have to replace the HVAC system before winter. And that's huge...we canceled our vacation. Blah.
My art blog is woefully neglected. I have been painting a lot, though, and plan to update my Etsy shop this month with several new paintings. Lots of trees. I will make an announcement on the blog and FB when I put them on Etsy. :)
can't wait to see the paintings! we have the painting from the beach over our fireplace in the new house in our family room and it's wonderful, we love it! :)
we have an hvac person who is very trustworthy, i can find out if he would travel out that way. he is one of our hvac people here at work but also has his own business and most everyone here uses him, let me know :)
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