Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yes yes yes and yes

[edited to add]

I did not mean to drop a video on the blog and run. I intended to write more about it, but a toddler ate my homework. Like she does everyday. In good ways and in very frustrating ways. This video had me at hello. This is a trailer for a documentary that is in post-production right now called Lost in Living. The filmmakers followed two artists who are best friends from pregnancy through their first several years of parenting. And they also spoke with two artists with grown children about their parenting experience. This idea is so interesting to me. I wish I had money to donate to help with production, so I could see this film.

As the first woman in the trailer states, I feel as creative as ever, I'm full of ideas and excitement about art, but I am stuck in a car that doesn't go faster than second gear. And my creativity--when it has enough time and breathing room--is more mature and focused. The work, when I am able to do it, is really good. I think one of the most terrifying things about becoming a parent for me was wondering if I would ever have flow again.  I definitely have total immersion and enjoyment when I comes to being a mom, but the artwork is collecting dust most days. I think about it all the time.

We had a really nice visit with Rick and Theresa last month, which I intend to write more about. But I was embarrassed that their wonderful Christmas gift of encaustics from last year is sitting on the desk where it's been for months, untouched. Do they think I did not appreciate it? I hope not! It is a function of mommyhood that I haven't been able to dive fully into a new medium. Soon, maybe, soon...

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