Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Robb made me

Christmas montage 1
Christmas montage 2

I'm not such a fan of staged formal photos, but I'm glad that Robb pushed for a family Christmas picture this year. I pushed for us to wear matching outfits--Robb was not a fan of that at all. We made an appointment at The Big-Box and used a coupon from their website: free sitting fees ($10 per person at most places) and $3.99 per sheet for prints. !!! The photographer did a nice job, and Momo was an angel. I screen-grabbed these thumbnails to show you. Merry merry!


Tmomma said...


we still need to get a good one of the boys together, so much tricker with two constantly moving boys!

you guys look great!

Barb Mowery said...

Aw I miss you guys, too!!!!