Friday, July 26, 2013

Playing catchup

I'm not sure where to start. Let's see. I took Mo to see Juan's paintings in DC in May. She liked riding the subway. We went on our vacation in June which included trips to the beach, the zoo, the aquarium, the MD grandparents, and then on to Pittsburgh. At the end of June we saw two lovely friends marry in a downpour of rain--5 inches that day. We came home from the wedding and found a fully flooded basement. Meanwhile all got bad colds in succession. First me, then Mo, and Robb's became walking pneumonia. During the sickies we had more record-setting rain followed by record-setting heat. Mo and I went dog-sitting at Mom's for a week and decided it was a good time to get serious about potty training. Results have been mixed. This week we finally rejoined the land of the living and saw some friends. Work on the basement should start in about 10 days. Luckily it was all covered by our homeowner's insurance. Maybe by the end of August we'll be getting back to normal. Hope your summer is going well!

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